Safety precautions for kite flying and an introduction to various kite types

Safety precautions for kite flying

Brother wah, a shopkeeper specializing in kite business in Hong Kong, reminds everyone that the following safety precautions need to be paid attention to when flying kites:

Keep an appropriate distance to avoid collisions

Look around and pay attention to the people around you, especially the children who are running

Watch out for other winds in the sky and avoid entanglements

If the kites are really entangled, try to rescue them; If it is not possible, consider cutting the thread to ensure safety

Scene of people flying kites outdoors

Types of kites

Kites are mainly divided into two main categories:

Bony wind rings: These include the common triangular wind rings and three-dimensional wind rings

Boneless kite: also known as software kite, such as a pipe-shaped kite

In addition, there are some special types of kites:

Small Kite: Suitable for use in a light breeze or indoor environment

Handmade paper style: It has nostalgic characteristics and is welcomed by some enthusiasts

Close-up of a long-tailed kite

The choice of kite reel and threads

There are also different types of kite reels to suit different needs:

Safety cotton thread: suitable for children

Wooden reels: provide a better feel, available in 500 yards and 1000 yards

Hand twisted kite line: suitable for large kites, three strings tied together for easy retraction

Brother Hua reminded that few people use glass wire nowadays because it is dangerous for children.

Kites of different colors

The joy of kite flying

Kite flying is a fun outdoor activity that allows one to enjoy nature. As long as there is enough wind, one can have a good time. Experienced players can even try their hand at a variety of fancy flights, such as figure-eight, circle, and M-shape, among others.

A variety of kites flying in the sky

Kite flying is an activity that is both fun and relaxing. As long as you pay attention to safety and choose the right kite and reel, everyone can enjoy the fun of kite flying.

Take care to fly kites safely

Special attention should be paid to protection to prevent the wind from dragging the child, tripping the kite string, and cutting the child. 

The location is important, and flying kites can be dangerous, so be sure to fly your kites in an open area with no obstacles.

Kites are not allowed near airports, telephone poles, train tracks, roadways, high rooftops, or lightning. 

Brother Hua: Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about the safety precautions for kite flying. Can anyone tell me why I have to be accompanied by an adult when flying a kite? 

Xiao Ming: Is it because kites can be dangerous, Brother Hua? 

Brother Hua: That's right, Xiao Ming! Kite flying can indeed be a bit risky. For example, if the wind is strong, the kite may drag the child to run. Alternatively, the kite string may trip over people or even cut the skin. Therefore, it is important for adults to take care of them. 

Xiaohua: So where should we fly a kite? 

Brother Hua: Good question, Xiaohua! Choosing the right location is key. We should find an open place with no obstacles. Can anyone give an example of where kite flying is not suitable? 

Xiaoqiang: I know! Not near the airport, as it may affect the take-off and landing of aircraft. 

Brother Hua: That's a good point, Xiaoqiang! Is there any other place? 

Xiaomei: Not next to the telephone pole, right? Kites may become entangled in power lines. 

Brother Hua: That's right, Xiaomei! The vicinity of power poles is indeed dangerous. There are also train tracks, roadsides, and rooftops of tall buildings, all of which are not suitable for kite flying. By the way, there's a special case, who knows what? 

Xiaolong: I guess it was when there was thunder and lightning? 

Brother Hua: Great, little dragon! When it rains and thunders, you can't fly a kite, it's very dangerous. Do you remember that? Safety first, happy kite flying! 

Author: BENNY


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