Under the blue sky and white clouds, the light paper kite soars in the wind, which is a familiar sight to modern people. However, what you may not know is that what we call a "kite" today is actually very different from a kite in the traditional sense. Let's explore the difference between modern paper kites and traditional kites, and the underlying reasons behind this century-old debate.

Definitions of the difference

Modern Paper Kites:   Flying kite

It is usually made of light materials such as plastic sheeting or nylon

Silent flight

It is mainly used for leisure and entertainment

Traditional Kites:

It is made of natural materials such as bamboo, wood, and paper

It can make sounds, and some can even play music

It has cultural and practical value

The evolution of the process

Traditional Crafts:

The production is complex and requires exquisite manual skills

Each kite is a one-of-a-kind work of art

It takes a long time to make and the cost is high

Modern Manufacturing:

Large-scale industrial production

Standardized design, easy to replicate

High production efficiency and low cost

Shifts in cultural significance

Traditional Kites:

Profound cultural heritage, related to festivals, sacrifices and other activities

It symbolizes spiritual sustenance such as prayer and exorcism

It is the elegant entertainment of the literati

Modern Paper Kites:

It is mainly used as a popular tool for outdoor activities

Most of the cultural connotation has been lost

More emphasis is placed on entertainment and ease of use

Changes in societal needs

Traditional Society:

Pay attention to the inheritance of traditional culture

Pursue artistry and uniqueness

Have more free time to enjoy the kite art

Modern society:

The pace of life is accelerating, and the pursuit of convenience is pursued

Focus on practicality and economy

Outdoor time is limited, and there is a preference for easy-to-learn entertainment

Influence of environmental factors


There are many tall buildings, which is not conducive to the flight of traditional kites

Noise control restricts the use of audible wind gauges

There are fewer public spaces and limited release sites

Environmental Awareness:

Modern materials are more durable and less wasteful

Plastic paper catfish are easier to recycle

Avoid using natural resources such as rare wood

Although traditional kites are rich in cultural heritage and exquisite craftsmanship, in modern society, simple and convenient paper kites are more in line with the needs of the public. This century-old controversy reflects great changes in society, culture, and technology. However, we should not forget the value of traditional kites. Perhaps, in the future, we can find a way to combine traditional craftsmanship with modern needs, so that kite culture can shine again.

Here's a scene, theatrical-like, expression:

On a sunny spring afternoon, Ms. Li led a group of high school students to the large lawn at the back of the school. They hold a variety of modern paper kites in their hands and are excitedly preparing to fly. At this moment, Mr. Li took out a delicate box and caught the attention of the students.

Teacher Li smiled and said, "Students, before we start today's activity, I would like to share something interesting with you."

He carefully removed a colorful and oddly shaped object from the box. The students gathered around curiously.

Xiao Ming: "Wow, what is this? It looks so complicated!"

Teacher Li: "That's right, Xiao Ming. It's a traditional Chinese kite."

Xiao Hua asked suspiciously, "But teacher, this looks completely different from the kite in our hands?"

Teacher Li nodded, "Very good observation, Xiaohua. Today, I'd like to talk to you about the difference between modern paper kites and traditional kites, and the centuries-old controversy behind them."

Definitions of the difference

Teacher Li raised the traditional kite in his hand: "This is the real meaning of 'kite'. It's made of natural materials like bamboo, wood, paper, and most specially, it makes sound."

He gently plucked the device on the kite, and a pleasant sound was heard, and the students were amazed.

Mr. Li continued, "In contrast, what you have in your hands should actually be called a 'paper kite'. They are usually made of modern materials such as plastic sheeting or nylon and are silent when flying."

Xiao Ling raised her hand and asked, "Then why do we all call them kites now?"

Teacher Li smiled, "Good question! That's part of the '100-year dispute' that we're going to talk about."

The evolution of the process of kite development

Mr. Li carefully demonstrated the structure of a traditional kite: "You can see, every part is handmade. It can take weeks to make a kite like this."

The students exchanged heads and ears in amazement.

Mr. Li also pointed to modern paper kites: "In contrast, these are mass-produced in factories. The standardized design allows them to be manufactured quickly and cost-effectively."

Xiaoqiang thought thoughtfully: "So it's because it's cheaper and easier to buy that modern paper kites have become more popular?"

Teacher Li nodded, "That's right, that's one of the reasons. But there are deeper reasons."

Shifts in cultural significance

Mr. Li continued, "Traditional kites are not only a tool for entertainment, but also carry rich cultural connotations. In ancient times, kites were often used for sacrifices, blessings, and even military reconnaissance."

Xiaomei asked curiously, "What about the paper kite now?"

Ms Li: "Nowadays, paper kites are mainly used as a popular tool for outdoor activities. It has lost most of its cultural connotations, but it has gained a broader mass base."

Changes in societal needs

Teacher Li looked around, "Imagine that in ancient times in a city or village, people had more time and open space to appreciate the exquisite kite art. And in the modern world..."

Xiao Gang answered: "Our lives are faster, and we may not have so much time to learn the intricacies of kite craft."

Teacher Li nodded approvingly, "That's right. Modern people are more inclined to choose convenient and easy-to-learn entertainment."

Influence of environmental factors

Teacher Li pointed to the tall buildings in the distance: "Do you see those buildings? The modern urban environment with many high-rise buildings is actually not conducive to the flight of traditional kites."

Xiaoli thought thoughtfully: "And if the kite can make a sound, it may be complained about in the current city, right?"

Teacher Li smiled, "Very keenly observant! Indeed, noise control in modern society is also a factor."

He added, "In addition, the increasing environmental awareness of modern people has also prompted us to choose more durable and recyclable materials for paper kites."


Ms. Li concluded, "Students, by comparing modern paper kites with traditional kites, we can see the great changes in society, culture and technology. Although the simple and convenient paper kite is more in line with the needs of modern people, we should not forget the cultural value of traditional kites."

He looked around at the crowd with a glint of wisdom in his eyes: "Maybe in the future, we can find a way to combine traditional craftsmanship with modern needs to bring kite culture back to life. Now, let's get started with today's release, but remember that when you look up at the paper kite in the sky, don't forget to think about the cultural significance behind it."

The students nodded thoughtfully, and with a new understanding and awe, they began their release. In the blue sky, modern paper kites soar, as if telling a cultural story spanning a century.

Author: BENNY


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